Poultry processing industry solutions
IVS is specialized in the internal transport of residual and end products. We build vacuum systems to be used during transport, and we use our vacuum techniques for a multitude of applications where by-products need to be transported or packaged. For the poultry processing industry, these are residual and end products such as Dead On Arrivals (DOA’s), livers and hearts. Besides this, we also build central vacuum systems to improve the capacity of packaging lines.
Vacuum transport
IVS offers solutions for the transport of residual products. We select the correct pump technology for our customers’ specific situations and applications. This is because every situation is different and several things must be taken into account when it comes to the vacuum transport of products. Our systems are engineered and built by ourselves, which means we operate completely independent when it comes selecting the best pumps for our customers.
For the transport of products, we use vacuum instead of pneumatic transport. The latter uses compressed air as a product carrier. There are several advantages to vacuum transport. It is not only more efficient but it also reduces costs, due an enormous reduction of energy consumption. We are also able to not only transport residual products, but end products as well.
For products in the poultry processing industry, we use high quality stainless steel pipes and FDA approved materials. We also use a distinctive separator technology because we design our separators in a product-specific manner. Because of this, an emergency-cyclone is often unnecessary. If needed, we can provide our installations with CIP (automatic cleaning with a water and soap).
Centraal Vacuum systems
Our customers are often looking for a way to centralize pumps in the machine room instead of having stand-alone pumps in their production department. A central vacuum system can be the ideal solution for this. With our self engineered systems, your packaging machines will function optimally. We can connect separate systems with a multi-piping system. This will reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs, making this an energetic solution for the poultry processing industry.
If you already have separate systems in your poultry processing factory, we can either optimize or expand it. We would love to get in contact with you to look at the best way to improve your business. Besides this, we can also supply you with a new operating system that is connected to our system, so that we can promptly help you if issues arise. This way, your business can continue operating as swiftly as possible.
As a result of you eliminating heat-input, noise production and oil emission with these vacuum packaging solutions, your working environment will be much cleaner and efficiency will rise. Your product department will therefore reap the benefits that come with buying one of our vacuum packaging solutions.