Solutions for the fruit and vegetable industry
For this industry, IVS offers innovative techniques and solutions such as vacuum cooling and transport with a central cooling system. We build our own vacuum systems, which means we have a brand independent position. This means that we can always provide you with the best pump technology for your application.
Vacuum cooling
IVS offers energy efficient solutions for the fruit and vegetable industry. To guarantee the freshness and quality of the products, cooling them immediately after harvesting is essential. We build vacuum cooling systems that are tailored to your exact needs. This way, your products can be packed, cooled, and transported to your customers within a few hours. We always select the best techniques to meet your specific needs.
Vacuum transport
In addition to the cooling of these products, the by-products have to be transported internally as well. IVS offers innovative solutions when it comes to the internal transport of residual and end products. We will select the best pump technique for your situation. Vacuum transport depends on several facets. Examples are the pumping speed and the size of product that needs to be transported.
For the transport of products, we use vacuum instead of pneumatic transport. The latter uses compressed air as a product carrier. There are several advantages to using vacuum technology instead of pneumatic: it’s more efficient and the reduction of energy consumption can lead to significant costs savings.
In the fruit and vegetable industry, we use high-quality stainless steel and FDA approved materials. We also build unique separator techniques that are product-specific. Because of this, the emergency cyclones are often not needed. We can also provide our products with CIP (automatic cleaning with a water and solution).
Centraal Vacuum systems
In the fruit and vegetable processing industry, we often see that there is a need for a central vacuum system. This is understandable, as this is a solution with low maintenance costs. A central system links several separate systems to each other with a multi-stage piping system. Rather that in a conditioned department, the output of heat, noise and oil will be centralized in your company. This improves the efficiency of your production department and the capacity of the packaging lines.
A central vacuum system is suitable for the packaging industry to improve packaging lines. If you already have a stand-alone vacuum system in your company, we can look at other ways to improve the efficiency of your system.
Our systems also include an advanced operating system, which is connected to the internet. This way, we can immediately help you out if any issues arise. Your packaging lines will be up and running shortly and the continuity will not be disrupted.
Our vacuum packaging solutions for the fruit and vegetable processing industry will increase efficiency within you company, protect the quality of your products, and lower energy costs.